
I - Instructions for submission

1) To submit, the author responsible for submitting the abstract must be registered for the event. Payment is not required at the time of registration. This can be done after the communication of acceptance of your abstract.

• Abstracts must be sent exclusively via the Congress website.

2) Access the restricted area, providing your login and password registered during registration. New menus will appear.

3) Click on the [My Abstracts] menu.

4) Follow the instructions on the screen to access the abstract submission form. Complete all fields in the online form.

* Choose the form of presentation:

Oral communication


5) Before submitting the abstract, review it carefully. Any changes will be allowed only until the final deadline for abstract submission.

6) When you finish submitting abstracts, click the "Disconnect" button.

7) After submitting the abstract, an automatic email will be sent to the corresponding author, confirming the registered information.

8) If you do not receive the automatic email on the same day confirming the submission, the abstract may not have been sent correctly. In this case, contact us by CONTACT US informing the event and the problem.

9) For new web access, inform USERNAME and PASSWORD. If you have forgotten it, use the "Remember Password".

10) The event secretary is available to clarify any doubts or difficulties from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, through the email: camila.mazotti@ccmgroup.com.br


Overall structure for submission

The Title must be concise and reflect the study to be presented.

The abstract text should not exceed 2500 characters (does not include title and authorship/affiliation) with spaces, a limit of 250 characters for the title.

Structure: The abstract should include the following sections:

1. Background

2. Objective

3. Material / Methods

4. Results

5. Conclusion

6. References (Optional, not included in word count).

The Scientific Committee recommends that only reports of common cases with atypical evolution or of really rare cases, that are of significant relevance, be submitted. Case reports without clear originality and relevance that justify their presentation will not be accepted.

The Institution or Institutions where the abstracts were carried out, as well as the authors' names, must NOT be mentioned in the body of the text.

The use of graphics or tables will be allowed when submitting abstracts. The form will have the option to submit up to 2 attachments in PDF or JPEG format. We emphasize that these features can be used in the formatting of presentations. [COMING SOON]

Abstracts on research obviously not yet performed and results not yet obtained will be rejected.


Systematic reviews are accepted but literature reviews are not.allowed.

II - Important information

• The deadline for abstract submission for Poster/oral communication is: 13/06/2024.

• The abstract can be prepared in Portuguese, English or Spanish.  However, whichever language is chosen, it is essential that it is grammatically correct, otherwise it may be a reason for rejection of the abstract.

• To receive your presenter certificate after the event, one of the listed authors must be registered and have participated in the event.

There is no limit of submissions per author. There is no limit of authors per submission. 

Please enter the authors in the desired order. IMPORTANT: The presenter must also be included in the list of authors.

• The result of the evaluation will be announced in the author's restricted area, in the “My Abstracts” menu on  10/07/2024 .

• A late submission period will be open from June 3, 2024, to June 13, 2024. This will be a new opportunity for abstract submissions. The evaluation results will be announced in the author's restricted area, under the 'My Abstracts' menu, on July 10, 2024.

• The person responsible for submitting after obtaining its approval, needs to confirm the payment of its registration until 18/07/2024. The presentation must be made by the person indicated when submitting the abstract. If this is not possible, another author must perform the presentation, provided that he is registered for the event and has paid the registration fee.

• Abstracts will be sent exclusively through the official website of the Congress.

• Attention: all materials produced about the abstracts  will be a faithful reproduction of the information submitted by the author. Therefore, it is not possible to make changes to the spelling of the title, abstract or authors after the deadline for submission. We emphasize that the information provided is the sole responsibility of the author who submits the abstract. Incompletely spelled names (by abbreviation or omission of one or more surnames) will not be changed and will appear in the official program and digital certificate as informed by the main author at the time of registration.

• The discounted values will respect the dates of the 'Registration Fees' table available on the event's website, regardless of the date of approval of the works. To guarantee payment with a discount, it is necessary to register by the dates described in the table. There will be no reimbursement of registration fees paid in cases of withdrawal or absence from the Congress or if the abstract is not accepted.

• The main author will be able to choose the preferred way of presenting the abstract. However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to change this choice.

• The final decision of the evaluation committee is considered final, irrevocable, and unappealable, which will not be reviewed. Submissions that are not accepted for oral presentations may be selected for poster presentations. If that is the case, the authors will be informed of this decision.

• By submitting papers, authors assume compliance with legislation and ethical standards governing research with human beings and animals, including approval by the Research Ethics and Clinical Ethics Committees in Animal Research.

• The Scientific Committee reserves the right to refuse abstracts, without providing further information on the rationale for rejection.

• Submission of the abstract represents a commitment by the author(s) to present the work, if accepted, during the event.

• The Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Congress will not be responsible for the content of the digital posters, this being the sole responsibility of the authors, as well as they will not be responsible for the costs of transportation, accommodation or any other related to the presentation of the works.

• Only those Presentations formally accepted will be published in the Conference Proceedings as submitted. Please ensure you check your data carefully before submitting as changes or additions will not be accepted. 

III – Events for submission

» Brazilian Congress of Radiation therapy
» Medical Residents Meeting (First author must be a resident)
» Oncology Nursing
» Medical Physics
» Radiation Therapy Technicians and Technologists

IV - Instructions for Approved Abstracts - Oral presentation

  • The presentation should be made in 07 minutes, with an additional 03 minutes for discussion. Any time the presenter exceeds the 07-minute limit will be subtracted from the discussion time. After 10 minutes, the panel will request the conclusion of the presentation without questions.
  • The presenter should prepare their presentation using slides (PowerPoint) and arrive at the media desk one hour in advance to save the file in the system using a pen drive.
  • The oral communication can be presented in either English or Portuguese.
  • We recommend using 8 to 10 slides, focusing the presentation on the essential aspects of methods and results, with the following suggested distribution: Objective (1 slide), Methods (2 slides), Results (4 slides), and Conclusion (1 slide). Figures, tables, and graphs are welcome. If you have any potential conflict of interest, it should be declared on the second slide of your PowerPoint (PPT) presentation.
  • Using the event's standard slide template for preparing the presentation is optional. Click below to download the standard template.

[Click here] to download the official template.

  • If none of the authors attend the event, the presentation will be canceled and a certificate will not be issued.
  • Information about the date and time of the presentation will be available in the restricted area of the responsible author via the [My Abstracts] menu and previously stipulated in the congress's scientific program.
  • The Congress Organizing Committee will not be responsible for registration, transportation, accommodation, or any other costs incurred for the presentation.
  • The date and time of the presentation are determined by the Scientific Committee, and it is not possible to request a change of participation date.

V - Instructions for Approved Abstracts - E-poster

Abstracts selected for digital Poster are included in the digital poster gallery where they are grouped by topic and are displayed onsite.

- Submission deadline: until 19/08/2024 - The system will remain open until 11:59 PM - Brasília Time.

- The submission of the e-poster should be done through the following submission link: [CLICK HERE] to be redirected or copy and paste the following link into your browser: https://e-poster.com.br/sbrt2024/

- Instructions for downloading the template and submitting the e-poster are all indicated in the above link. Approved abstracts will be on display throughout the Congress.

- Due to the presentation format, all approved posters whose authors submitted the PDF through the website as per the guidelines will be displayed on electronic totems throughout the event. Printing the banner is not necessary.

- During the congress, participants can access all approved e-posters on any available totems. Abstracts can be found by ID, title, and subject. Each abstract has a link to access the e-poster file.

ATTENTION: The abstract's code is located in the [MY SUBMISSIONS] menu of the submitting author.

- The author or co-author who previously submitted the abstract through the website is responsible for timely delivery and proper formatting. The congress organization is not responsible for files delivered outside the established deadline or with formatting issues.

- After the congress, the electronic certificate for the approved work will be made available to the submitting author on the website (subject to event participation and work exhibition).

- The use of QR codes and the inclusion of authors' institutional logos are allowed.

VI - Certificates

On August, 27th, the certificates of the abstracts approved for presentation will be made available to the author responsible for the submission on the congress website (conditional on his/her attendance at the event).

To print or download the PDF file, you must access the "Certificates" menu, located on the congress homepage, enter the registered email, and fill in the "Satisfaction Survey."

  • Important notice: the certificates will not be sent directly by email.
  • A certificate will be issued with the title of the abstract, in the approved modality, and the name of all authors registered at the time of submission.
  • The second certificate will be issued with the title of the abstract, the approved modality, and the name of the presenter.
  • At least one of the authors must be registered and have attended the event to receive the certificate later.

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